Tuesday, 14 February 2012

MicroStrategy with Google Map

MicroStrategy configuration for Google Map :

Following are high level steps to configure MicroStrategy with Google Map
1) Receive an API key from google to be used with specific domain name
2) Configure and restart MicroStrategy server
3) Create report with Google Map

1) Create Google API key from following location - http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html.  Please refer below screen shot for reference. Put your domain name and accept the terms and conditions.

2) After submitting the page you get a Key and instructions as shown below.

 These instructions helps you to configure your application for
1) Java Script API
2) MAPS API for Flash
3) HTTP Service

After receiving API, now it is a turn to configure MicroStrategy server to use this API.

Deploy and Configure the Google Connector Plugin in MicroStrategy Environment

Log in to the machine where MicroStrategy server is installed. This configuration is with reference to MicroStrategy 9.2.1m.

Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\GISConnectors\ConnectorForGoogleMap_ASP folder to MicroStrategy web installation directory at C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Web ASPx\plugins

Open file C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Web ASPx\plugins\ConnectorForGoogleMap\WEB-INF\xml\config\google\googleConfig.xml and copy the key at

    <mk isPremier="true">AIAAAAc3lrvue47EqHzTm1nZE7twIdl1eys7cPEt2IRRfWCqWrxdu-</mk>
        <pj id="B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F">
            <at id="54BABC8311D59D57C000B28A4CC5F24F" />
            <at id="54BABD9E11D59D57C000B28A4CC5F24F" />

In the 9.2.1 version of the plugin, you'll notice the isPremier="true" flag.  Setting this flag to false or removing it will disable the plugin, which means you'll get a blank map.  Leaving it true but providing a Standard license key will result in the map loading but then closing, and a message from Google saying that your key isn't authorized and instructions for upgrading.

Also in this file, you'll see 3 more GUIDs under the <pjs> tag.  Inside the <pj> tag, put the Project ID that you'll be using this in.  Create multiple <pj> tag entries to support multiple projects.  In the <at> tags, enter the Attribute GUID for the Latitude and Longitude that you'll be using for the report.  If they are Attribute Forms instead of separate Attributes, simply put the same GUID for both.

Restart your Web Server and you're done with the configuration.

Next Step is to configure Report.

  1. Create a report with Latitude and Longitude on it and whatever metrics you want.  
  2. Make sure that the Row Merged setting is disabled.
  3. Run the report, and under the Tools menu, select "Custom Visualizations".  If you don't have that option, you can enable it in the Project Preferences under Project Defaults -> General.  There's a check box to enable it.
  4. Check the box at the top to Enable Visualizations for this report, and scroll to the bottom under AJAX and choose Google Map (9.2) or Map (9.2.1+).  It was renamed between versions.
  5. Click Visualization Properties and define how your Latitude and Longitude are created, either by separate Attributes or Attribute Forms.
 Next : Integrating Google Map in RSD 

1) Create dataset in the Report Services Document with the following characteristics:
  • Primary dataset (used to plot the markers on the map)
    • Attributes or attribute forms that supply latitude and longitude
    • At least one metric
    • Rows and columns that are not merged
  • Secondary dataset (Optional, use to display affinity lines)
    • At least two metrics: The value of the first metric is used to determine the thickness of the affinity line, and the value of the second metric is used to determine the color of the affinity line
Note: The primary and secondary data providers must have the exact same attribute forms. Otherwise, the affinity lines will not be displayed

Applying the Map Visualization to a Report Grid in a Document 
Configuring the Map Visualization Properties
Note that there is a new icon generated with affinity line in below image. When user clicks on this icon, animations are enabled on the affinity lines. When user click a point on the map that has affinity lines originating from it, animations move out along the lines from the originating point. This feature is available in both DHTML and Flash mode.


Displaying Image Markers or Dynamic bubbles

1) Create a report with the following characteristics:
  • Attributes or attribute forms that supply latitude and longitude
  • At least one metric
  • Rows and columns that are not merged
2) Apply custom visualization on the report and Configure Map Properties:
Display Google Map in Image Marker or Dynamic Bubble style
  • If users are using image markers and apply color-coded threshold, the markers are replaced by circles that are uniformly sized and color-coded based on the threshold color associated with the value of the metric for that location
  • If users are using image markers and apply custom image threshold, the markers are replaced by the custom images
  • If users are using dynamic bubbles on the map, the value of the metric determines the size of the bubbles.
  • If users are using dynamic bubbles and apply color-coded threshold, the bubbles are color-coded based on the threshold color associated with the value of the metric for that location.
Note: User should not use dynamic bubbles and apply custom image threshold because it does not yield a meaningful visualization. The bubbles are simply replaced by uniformly-sized bubbles of default radius and color. This is not a recommended configuration.